Monday, 28 April 2014

Back to metal! Uhm, mostly resin nowadays....

I 've been a casual tabletop wargamer years ago, playin with a bunch of friends mostly WH fantasy, 40k, and a bit of Confrontation.
Few months ago, i was curious to c what i have been missing durin all this time, how this world evolved, which kinda new brands out there, what about the games i've been playin. So, the great internet search begun.
Discovered many interestin models ranges, a ton of blogs and sites from great sculptors and painters, and gamers.
The idea of divin myself again in to the hobby has been growin in me more and more; but this time hey i got to learn how to paint at least! Dunno if i'll ever play again but really want to pass a happy time paintin the models i really like!
Why this blog? Because i can! But really, i think of it like a diary and a good way to motivate myself.
Not last a way to write in English! How many typos and errors have i wrote till now?
Anyway i hope someone out there wont be too scared by my poor grammar!

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