Tuesday, 29 April 2014

More of MM

Well, yesterday i told you/me bout what i think to be the best discovery i made in the last months regardin fantasy miniatures.
I'm talkin about Mierce Miniatures, based in the well known english miniatures area, near Notthingam, Mansfield.
So, few months ago, sailing throu the big internet sea, lookin for some good minis to grab, i suddenly sighted some, which at a distance attracted my curiosity.
This was the first one that made me be on the look out: http://www.mierce-miniatures.com/store_mierceminiatures/images_product/mrm_dkl_fmr_blr_wld_102_000_01_large.png

What? A bada.. evil dude ridin a big angry whitebear,bearin' a battle axe?

Wow lets have a look at this website and this MM brand.....
Lets c.....concept art by Stefan Kopinsky, sculpted by a dude named
JAG, painted by Mr.S.Picque. This is an imposin stunning caoslike warlord came from the north i thought to myself! Cant remember of one like this in my pastgamindays..... I can hear the sound of those mighty paws on the frozed snow, and can feel the evil, fearless aura emanatin from that armoured man!

Next, what gave me the final push to enter this fantastic range and lore!

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